Thursday, September 29, 2011


Q: 1.  In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.
A: My first interview helped me in my presentation because i learned what you needed to become a personal trainer and i learned that you have to actually take classes about the body so you know what you are doing and know what is safe to do in exercises and what is not.

Q: 2.  What you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
A: That i knew what i was talking about , and i gave student knowledge that they did not know about a personal trainer.

Q:3.  What was the most challenging to do and why?
A: THat i didnt know what to talk about because then if i would say something important i wouldnt be able to talk about it in my senior presentation , so just knowing what to say.

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