Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Senior project reflection

(1) Positive Statement

Im proud that i actually finished my presentation and all the information  i have learned throughout the year because now i can continue to use this information in the future and just help myself be a healthier person.

(2) Questions to Consider
Ap because on my presentation i was so nervous and talked really fast, but i did answer my EQ in the best possible way i could and i did have everything i was suppose to have on my powerpoint.

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
My service learning and doing my independent components because i was actually able to base my best answer after that because of the personal experience.

(4) What didn’t work for you in your senior project?
60 articles of research it was way to much,  couldn't even find as much good research because i had so much. 

(5) Finding Value

Made me realize what was healthy and what was not, what exercise would be best for my goal and how to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, June 4, 2012

the product

My product is to reach my goal weight and when i get there, to continue living a healthy lifestyle because i  am going to maintain that.

i chose this product because through out my whole senior presentation i now know what exercises to do, what to eat and what to do in order to reach my goal.  :)

Answer 3

1. Picking an exercise that best suits our goal.
2. it is important because everybody wants different results, people want to lose weight, get toned, be strong gain muscle and there's different types of exercise for that. Thats why you have to  decide what you want to do because different exercises does different things to your body.
3.http://evansp.hubpages.com/hub/The-Best-Aerobic-Exercise-To-Suit-You-and-Your-Health-Related-Fitness  http://www.yes2life.co.za/choosing_exercise_program.aspx

Answer 2

1. Supportfrom exercise buddies.
2. it is important to have support from exercise buddies because when  your lazy they keep you going, when you think you cant keep going they motivate you to keep going, you always tend to compete with your buddy because you obvisouly want to do better than the other person, also embarrasment motivates you to.
3.http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=102  http://www.exercisefriends.com/home.aspx

Answer 1

1. Creating a self image of your set goal.
2. By doing this you set a goal that you want reach, and by seeing it everyday and say thats going to be you. you start to get motivated and you strive to get that way because you actually start to see yourself like that.
3. http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/self-esteem-goals/ , http://faculty.psy.ohio-state.edu/crocker/lab/projects.php

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blog 25: service learning

Service learning: 


- Felipe Alaniz


The most important thing i gained from my service learning was my best answer as well, because when i saw Felipe Alaniz support his clients by motivating them, telling them to keep going, and they could do it and at times even do the workouts with his clients i saw that supporting them gave the best results and i saw his clients feel like they couldnt lt him down, and that made them keep going. in the future i am going to continue working out but i am going to try at least 3 times a week to reach my goal.


My service learning helped me answer my EQ because like i said before the clients my uncle worked with you could tell how fustrated they were and tired and they just wanted to stop, but when they saw my uncle doing it with them it motivated them to keep going because they didnt want to give up on him, which lead to my bst answer support from exercise buddies.

blog 24 : Independent component 2.

 I, Stephanie Mendoza, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 100 hours of work. During the time that i have been doing exercises , i have been continuing to work out 3 hours every Friday and Saturday, when im lazy 1 hour, which is rarely. i still continued to do exercises with my uncle and he has been providing me with feedback on how im doing, my uncle would take me to tennis courts to play, or take me to go play basketball, also racket all, and we would also go jogging , same routine as before so after that whoever loses would do the lunges and do suicides ect. i have continued it because it is a fun way to work out. : )


By working out with my uncle every weekend i have been able to get used to the exercises that we did and also became better at them and the sports like tennis and basketball, racket ball and my jogging has improved as well. By doing this i have been able to improve more on the exercises ive done and learn to get my motivation to keep on going with this.

This experience helped me answer my EQ for my best answer because when i get lazy to work out my uncles always tell we we need to go , and jus just keep motivating me to keep on working out. Seeing him do the exercises with me and trying to change has helped me alot because i didn't want to let him down. so every weekend we would always go no matter what , and i believe this has helped me so much on my topic because my best answer is support from exercise buddies and i could really relate to that because of my independent component . i learned that every body learns at there own pace, because when i first started i would get fustrated because i couldnt learn how to hit the tennis ball right or couldnt make baskets and my uncle would keep supporting me to keep going and i kept trying and trying, and eventually i got it with his support, and him motivating me throughout the whole time.


3 Column chart


Friday, April 27, 2012

junior interiew

Student : Alex Madrigal
Time: 1:41 pm

(1) What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
  • Alex: Solar Cup, its basically building the small boats are you race them after in a competition. i want to do this because i love to build stuff and its fun. 
  • What feedback did you offer when you heard the topic ideas? Check when the solar cup competition is, make sure its before senior projects end so you can compete in it. 
(2) What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning (working with an expert) which is due prior to senior year starting?  Note: They also have to complete the 50 hours during the school year.
  • Alex: By asking melango for help because she recommended it, there was two other students who did this and i could probably ask her to contact them for me so that i can ask what they did, also i plan to find someone who enters the competition, to know how to build it and how to use the materials.

  • What feedback did you offer them in response? Thats good ask around ,but starting now because you need ten hours when you come back to school. Also try looking online to see if you find an expert on that field. Ask senior teachers for help , and dont wait till last minute.

(3) What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
  • Alex: Power point, to see what ideas i can get to put in my project, i also want to be able to see the person actually passionate about what they are talking about because thats makes it better.
  • What suggestions did give them regarding how they should approach watching the 2 hour presentations?   Pay attention, takes notes and look at how its done so you can get ideas for your senior project. also look at how they manage there time.
(4) What questions do they have about senior project?  What additional recommendations would you give the 2013 student about senior project?  Be specific and note what you told them.
  • Alex: What projects do we have that relates to our senior project.

  • What additional recommendations did you give them? well we have science fair , do not procrastinate, because once you do your going to keep doing it and  your going to fall behind, just manage your time, and dont wait till last minute.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Science fair proposal

Title: Science Fair Proposal
Label: Science Fair
DUE DATE:  Friday, November 11th 8AM (*Calendar says November 10th, senior team moved it to the 11th)

1. What is your hypothesis?
- If a person exercises at least three times a week, then they will lose an average of a pound a week.
Indp (manipulated): number of times person exercises
Dep (produced): weight loss (lbs)
Control: Myself
3. The connection between my science fair project and my senior project is that for my eq it is what is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle with exercise, so by doing exercises you lose weight which helps you/ your body stay healthy, which is the connection.
4. By exercising 3 days a week and seeing if i do lose 1 pound a week .
5. Molecular Biology

Friday, February 10, 2012

Independent Component 1


I Stephanie, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 110 hours of work.
During the time that i have been doing exercises , i have been working out usually 3 hours every Friday and Saturday, i have been doing exercises with my uncle and he has been providing me with information on the body and how it works, my uncle would take me to tennis courts to play, or take me to go play basketball, also racket all, and even after that whoever loses would do the lunges and do suicides ect. so it was just a fun way to work out.


By working out with my uncle every weekend i have been able to get used to the exercises that we did and also became better at them and the sports like tennis and basketball, i was also able to increase my miles because it got easier each time we jogged or did suicides . By working with my uncle i have  learned how work out different parts of my body, like what workouts would be  best for each body part. Ex: abs, you would do sit-ups, legs you would do running , lunges, squats ect. i have been working out with my uncle alot and has been helping me have a better understanding on the body and how it works. By doing this exercises i was able to actually see the improvements in myself  and i felt that helped a lot with my senior project.

This experienced helped me answer my EQ because i was able to recongize what exercises would be best to working out each body part and realizing if you play a sport it helps you a lot as well in becoming more fit,so you don't always have to do extreme fitness workouts. My uncle always acted as if i was his trainer randoms days and he told me what he felt like working out that day, and i had to tell him the workouts he needed to do to accomplish that , and then he would tell me if i did good or not after the whole workouts. Some days my cousins would come with us to go workout and  they wouldn't do as much as or things were harder for them and i learned that not everyone is able to do something at the same time, they will learn on there own time and what that taught me was to have patients because you could make a client go away if they are not comfortable with you, so you have to know the pace of how the persons works , and work with it.

Log: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj1J_05LeN3FdEFOS3R6Sm5fVk1Rc1pOdzc2Q0NmLUE&pli=1#gid=0

Monday, February 6, 2012

Presentation 2: rough draft

Introduction: 2 minutes

-          Hello Im Stephanie and my topic is personal training, and my EQ is What is the best way to maintain a healthy life style with exercise?
-          Today I will be talking about the types of trainers there are and a little bit of the history of training. I will also be telling you about the sources that have helped  me with my project so far.
Verification: 2 minutes

-          Maybe like what types of personal trainers are there?
-          What types of foods should you eat? Questions like that?

Body: 8 minutes
·                     Literal: Different types of trainers, exercises .
·                     Interpretive: You have to know what kind of trainer to get to get the results you want.
·                     Applied: The types of trainers, training there is , and how to know which one you want and foods you should eat.

Activity: 5 minutes
-          Maybe show some clips of videos and ask them what kind of trainer they need , or figuring out what food is healthy for  them by putting list and passing them out .

Conclusion: 3 minutes
-          Talking about the different types of trainers and how its important to pick the right one for the results you want and how to maintain healthy lifestyle.

-          Poster with my EQ, Types of trainers. And list of foods, maybe youtube videos.